.......good morning campers!!!!....have you ever had a word that just describes what you are about?......well this word just jumped out at me and said" hey, let me be your word for the next 7 months"....the word said this in a really high pitched voice, and was really insistent that i use her....i'm guessing the word is a she, cause of the high voice...but could be a boy and it's going through puberty.......do words go through puberty?....well anyway, my word is ..."streamline".....very groovy....makes you think of a fast train, or a supersonic jet, or of course, a chaotic artist............didn't know i even needed a word, but my word decided i did........so we are in this together for the next 7 months.....i gave myself 7 months to get through some goals since the last 7 months worked pretty well....no major tantrums on my part...and 7 is a good number
so, do yall have a favorite number also?....7 wasn't really my favorite number.....my favorite number was 6........you see i used to be a spy.....i can tell you that now, cause i'm retired......went by the code name of "b6"....i could of been a vitamin...ha ha....that rhymes .....ha ha.................anyway, i was probably around 10.......i kept a spy notebook, that yes, i still have....very interesting info in there by the way....good stuff on what the evil older sister was doing...............so i would wear my spy clothes, red turtle neck sweater and jeans....and walk up and down the block spying on people........oh i was a favorite with the neighbors.......can't imagine all the calls my mom got..... cause back then most moms stayed home.....so how lovely to have a kid peering in windows everyday......well from the sidewalk......so my spy obsession took off after reading, yep you guessed it , harriet the spy.........sometimes my friend audrey, who was "a6"....not the shoe asics, but a6..ha ha, would spy with me, but mostly it was me........i wasn't the most adventurous kid.....but i had an adventurous imagination, i basically stayed on my side of the sidewalk and walked our block, back and forth.......i was obviously an amazing spy cause no one ever confronted me about spying...... but you wonder, well i wonder , when did we lose the whole, "my favorite number" thing.....ya know when your'e a kid you have a fav number, color, animal, etc, all kids knew everyone's favs........it says so much about who you are ...but as we get older somehow we ask...."what do you do for a living, whats your job"...blah blah blah.....it's becomes more about what you do that who you are...........i think everyone oughta ask the next person they meet what their favorite number and color are...maybe even be so bold as to ask their fav word.....what?!....just see what response you get..................could be a strait-jacket might become involved......but anyway.... so streamline it is for me...and yeah 6 is probably still my fav number (me and my hubby and our 4 kids)....course could be 9 for grands....i guess that one changes...ha ha .....or it's doing a cartwheel...........and blue and confetti are my fav colours!....and speaking of goals....well i wasn't really but now i am.....have you been working toward your first goal???.....you can do it!!!!......have part of it done by next tuesday....i could sic my bg on you if that would help!.....................take care and be groovy!
well hey there all you fabulous people!.....time marches on...well it basically runs on.....and at a way faster pace then i have ever gone.........well that's not saying alot.......so...it's been over half a year since i started this blog and i'm still at it!!??...what??!!..........i know, amazing for me....the excitement of things die out quickly......i have the attention span of a gnat....so...am i progressing?....hmmm...... let's just do the 7 month recap......................
dun duh dah....drum roll please...... so i learned how to..... 1) start....and continue (that's the big part for me) a blog...in general...or lieutenant..maybe sergeant....anyway.....maybe not every tues, but close....well for me 2) upload pics to blog 3) put text and pics where i want them on the blog.....alot of frustration from chasing around images on the computer 4) make a copyright symbol 5) worked through some grief....as charlie brown says "good grief" 6) figured out price by sq in for artwork 7) not pass out from trying to do math 8) met with an author!!....nita sweeny...yeah she's my friend...just name dropping 9) get and work with a business guru or bg....katelyn johnson of capital cakes ....i sometimes ignore the constant texting 10) create a link for other people to my blog....like the above 11) have self discipline.....ok still working on that 12) create an instagram account.....alright so the bg got most of that up 13) create a google business account......ok same thing and yeah i don't really have that one going.......well it's created just haven't used it 14) work out alot and i mean alot of issues with instagram.......still working out issues 15) do that google photo thing 16) keep a schedule....ha ha skee-doo-lee 17) take closeup pics of my artwork with a macro lens......still working on figuring out the part about taking multiple pics and putting them back together 18) oh yeah and big one....create artwork on a semi regular basis......well better than my semi basis....which is kinda worse than non regular basis...which would really mean no basis at all........does "basis" look weird to you too?........... not so bad huh?!......i actually accomplished some stuff.......maybe for the next half of the year i oughta make some goals.....what??!!................this way maybe i'm not so random....who me?...be random?.......i also just want to thank yall for liking, reading, sharing.....all the "ings" you do....ha ha that sounded like "things"! i really appreciate it! yall are the best!!!! hey, maybe yall could join me!!!....yall could have 18 things to accomplish in the next 7 months too.....we could be an online self help group for the self helpers.......but if your'e a self helper aren't you really helping yourself?....which kinda negates the whole self help helping group thing cause you've already been helped .....what?....maybe it could be a helping others group.........get your 18 things together....lets do this!!! woohoo!.................... have a super groovy day! good morning campers....well i have kind of learned how to photograph my paintings.......kind of because i haven't quite grasped the concept of how to take multiple shots of different areas of my paintings and then put them back together....that involves photoshop or something like it i guess....so the reason for photographing my artwork is to cut my costs a little..... i don't have to pay someone to photograph and print....just print.....
so my husband comes home to my inventive photo studio in the livingroom....i needed good natural light.........he says it seems that my art studio, (which used to be a bedroom, but became my studio) has regurgitated itself into the hall and livingroom.....well he actually said thrown-up, but anyway...i believe the problem happens at night .....you see my stuff is in one area one day...and the next day my stuff is somewhere else.......interesting......it couldn't possibly be me doing it?!....maybe i'm like a magnet and things attach to me and then get dropped off in different areas.... and speaking of things attaching to me....when i made my dinosaur living sculptures for the monument 10 k....i made them out of foam.....lots and lots of foam.....foam attaches to you and doesn't let go by the way......little pieces of foam.......so much foam that it was throughout the whole house and in the front yard and backyard......not really sure how it got out there........this was 3 solid months of making patterns, carving foam, gluing foam, going to buy more foam, carving more foam, gluing more foam, painting foam....you get the picture....foam was my life.......before this i had never made something like this with foam...i did have the help of stan winstons school of charactor arts....i took a class online from ted haines....mind you they are amazing and this was my first try at making stuff out of foam.....chicken wire yes, but not foam.......but hey foam is light , right??....easy to run in??!!....well foam is also very hot!!!....well to wear and run or walk a 10 k in a complete foam costume..........yeah, i made 3 dinosaurs ...we started with 3 people...and crossing the line were 5 people.....me in a complete costume, 2 people in bottom halves, and 2 people in top halves.......i almost gave people a heat stroke with the costumes.......... but in the middle of making these....my husband would come home and just wade through the foam to find a seat in the livingroom or outside....hey that's how it got outside....gary took it there.....see it wasn't me after all.........we would be eating and he would flick off foam every now and then......sitting down on the couch would create a flying foam frenzy with small bits of foam and dinosaur parts strewn on the couch and coffee table....no problem, he would just scoot them aside......walking through the house, little pieces of foam would accumulate on his legs......he really was a good sport about the whole thing.....i didn't really see all this going on with him because i was in a mad dash to get these finished before the race....and was neck deep in foam.......by the way electric carving knives are the best things to cut foam with.....they work like a charm....good thing i'm a veggie, no need to carve that turkey anymore...... so gary's passing comment about my art studio i guess is really founded on the whole possibility of my stuff taking over the house again....what's wrong with that?.... who wouldn't want to live with an artist?....never knowing what will have been painted, glued, carved, created........so exciting everyday!...so my photo studio is not that big of a deal i'm thinking......ya know to really empahsize the whole throwing up part i could make the doorway to my studio into a large mouth....maybe a monster ...a cuddly monster with his eyes looking down from the ceiling........i haven't worked with fiberglass yet....how messy could that be?.............................be groovy good morning you fabulous people!.....well lets dive right in....big news (trumpet sounds dun duh dah)....well, for me and my lack of organization anyway........here it is................i'm sticking to my schedule!!! ....what?? i know its crazy to think i can actually follow a schedule (ya know whenever i spell schedule, i sound it out by saying skee-doo-lee) ( i guess if you are british it would be she-doo-lee.....say that with a british accent...cheerio pip pip and all...ha ha), but anyway....i am....i'm so proud of myself......i know alot of you are saying "that's the big news? you can stick to a schedule?" (did it again.. ).....yes it seems my life goals are very small and minute ...but achievable!!!...ok a little info for your brains today...minute and minute are spelled the same......i know you are thinking...of course they are cause they are the same word!!....oh but they aren't, i'm talking about minute (my NOOT.....my noot not yours...ha ha....what is a noot anyway?...or how bout knute, for knute rockne...reference from evil older sister..so many noots and you didn't even know.....) and minute (MIN it).....what?? you say...i know, how weird........and i don't know if you have this problem also, but after i look at a word for a while...it doesn't seem to be spelled right....well not spelled r-i-g-h-t....but spelled correct...but that would be the same problem, not c-o-r-r-e-c-t.....ok so you get the gist of where i'm going.... i hope so cause i think i'm lost...and wasn't that a confusing tv series.....lost,..... not me and my noot
so what i'm doing that's making all the difference in my life, is kind of following how my nanny used to run her house....mon- wash clothes, tues- iron (who irons anymore?), wed- etc......so with my 4 hours a day (have to fit my time in between my other job) .... i take 2 of those hours, the other 2 are for painting and stuff, and devote them especially to art marketing/business/that stuff......so mon- i write my blog, tues- post blog, work on looking up jobs (murals, paintings etc), wed- cold calls (everyone's favorite), thurs- research (how to do marketing and the art biz....i'm gonna become a graduate of you tube university....go ytu!...maybe their mascot is the noot....it kinda rhymes...ytu noots, fri- archive artwork and photograph art ..................finally a system that works for me....and it's only taken me 40 years!!! (starting when i was 18).....i'm so excited, and i just can't hide it, i'm about to loose control and i think i like it......sing with me..... so even though i'm slow going....i believe i'm making some progress....baby steps....or ...put one foot in front of the other,...it's a sing-a-long today!... (thank you winter warlock and kris kringle)....you can always count on an animated classic to have life lessons.....and ways to get from here to there......cause funny things are everywhere (thank you dr suess ) course i guess that was a book...but every one of his books are chock full of life lessons.....chock full, people don't say that anymore....a expression to be brought back....so right-o ....and pip pip....and there goes my alarm to say my 2 hours is up....back to my schedule...ha ha...yall are gonna be saying skee-doo-lee, every time you spell schedule now.....you're welcome......have a super groovy day chock full of fun!........go noots! good morning campers! i want to say "thank you!" to all of yall hanging in there for a good laugh or a giggle every so often..either way, i really appreciate it!................
so posting on instagram has gone pretty good, until my bg texts me and says "no posts for 3 days?".....i call her to say i have posted every day.....so what gives?.... well for those of us not born and raised with a mouse in one hand and a cell phone in another.....back when rotary dial phones with the 20 ft cord were all the rage....ya know the ones that you had to unravel everyday...or try to hop over as the cord stretched from where ever the phone was to the most inconvenient place to talk, a closet was a good place for privacy.....i actually have a rotary dial phone hanging up in my kitchen, and it works.....i wanted the grands to learn how to dial the phone, in case they were ever in a situation and all that was available was a rotary dial phone....ya never know......so i told them to pick up the receiver, and then dial....it seemed pretty self explanatory to me.....well they looked at the receiver and tried to poke at it to make it work, same with the dial, they tried talking into the air to make something come on......it was hilarious....of course that's the way they feel about me trying to learn any kind of technology.....my grandson wanted me to play video games with him ( iv'e never really played video games, well space invaders, and i wasn't that good)...he gave me the controller and quickly explained the use of the buttons....now mind you he's playing too.....well it wasn't 5 minutes into the game, and yes, he had been trying to coach me as he played, when he just took my controller and played both games.................. so my bg, being my kids age, has a little more patience....i mentioned in another post that i had 2 google accounts....yep i was on the other instagram account (connected to another google account) that my youngest daughter had set up for me many moons ago, and i obviously did not use it........well when my bg figured that out, i had to learn to go from one account to another and delete and copy and paste, etc........let's just say she's go a lot of patience..."a lot of patience!!!!".....oh the post-it's.....aaarrrrggghhhh so technology....good...bad...frustrating....overwhelming...post this...download that.....but it is useful.....i just like to keep a hammer beside the computer at all times....... it helps the computer behave better.............be groovy! good morning campers, i hope everyone's new year is starting off absolutely fabulous! (should be sound effects...echo type effects to that) ....big accomplishment for me, is that i am posting on instagram everyday....yeah.....not sure how you would get to it, but it's bobbismurals instagram? i believe......so far so good...ya know it's the beginning of a new year so we all have this great motivation for positive change......baby steps......also working on getting my mural business more professional and not whim-ey.. (i made a new word!!!) ..ya know like, on a whim.....that kind of thing..........it's a challenge, cause i live on a whim.......what does a whim look like?.....seems like it's cloud like, definitely (i spell definitely wrong every time...i always forget the e, thank you computer for the little squiggle that says something is wrong....well if you saw this post on my computer screen, you would see alot of squiggles, but the majority i ignore...)... colourful, light and fluffy....like cotton candy...........man can cotton candy make your teeth hurt.....wow that is intense sweetness......the whim took me....or it could be the wind...no i was the whim....
so my fab bg has helped to steer, or rangel (how do you spell rangle, they both have squiggles) or herd.....i'm thinking horses again......if i get a horse i think i will name him whim....very dr suess..........dr suess is so great, so deep without really realizing how deep...deeper than a frog would croak.. "knee-deep"....ha ha ha....oh my gosh do you see where the whim took me???....it's like trying to herd cats...i think i'll call my brain whim.....is this what they call stream of consciousness writing ...or maybe river of unconscious writing with a whim...ha ha well back to my bg, she has been extremely helpful in trying to corral...there i go again.....my brain called whim.....into the right paddock.....ha ha................i think i'll stop now cause.... who knows, where the whim goes, nobody nose, why somebodies nose, would know, where the whim goes....ha ha .....and no i don't drink coffee....can you imagine if i did??!! well keep up the positive motivation out there all you fabulous people and enjoy your terrific tuesday and all it's whims.....be groovy! well howdy campers....it's the last day of 2019!!!! exciting times here!!!! so my bg gave me some homework....well everything is homework cause i'm at home....ha ha.....anyway she wanted me to put some stuff up on instagram...........sure............well it only took me 2 days to change just the profile picture on my instagram page ..............i know alot of you are saying "it's not a 2 day job, it can be done in a couple minutes or less".....yes, i know this, it's just i have to go about things the hard way....similar to the way a kid heads home for dinner....
ya know the comic strip "the family circle?"....well it was basically a comic circle cause it was always in a circle not a strip....which is i guess how they got the phrase comic strip, cause it was a strip of comics....well not the family circle.......ok anyway.....sometimes the artist would make a comic about the route that the little boy would take when called home.........for those of you who haven't seen it, it goes something like this.....the mom calls the boy home for dinner, the boy is next door, the boy goes over the next door next door neighbors fence (which is the opposite direction of his house), then swings on their backyard swing for a bit, climbs up their tree, crosses over to another neighbors tree, climbs over their fence, crosses the street to pet a dog, kicks a can....etc....and finally gets homes.......so you see how i work.......i finally get to the point, but it might take me around the neighborhood to do it..... so the problem i was having, was i had to get a photo from my phone to put on instagram.....i'm not great at working from my phone, i usually work from my computer, but instagram doesn't let you do anything from your computer.......so now i have to figure out how to get my pictures from the computer to the phone.....but wait icloud is full on my phone.....not even sure how icloud works, but anyway......so i youtube instructions.....that's a verb now i guess, I youtubed something, i was youtubing, etc.....then i figured out that google photos has unlimited storage for free......i'm all about a bargain.........now i have to figure out how to get google photos (gp from now on) to work on my computer.......i think i have that figured out, but wait, i have 2 google accounts and my instagram is on the one i did not download or upload with gp's.....so i guess it doesn't connect, or i am not able at the moment to connect them....that would have taken another day and numerous youtube videos to figure out........now i have to figure out how to go to the other account......kinda figured that out.....now how do i download or upload my pictures to gp....kind of have that done...but wait i haven't done anything with my phone....arrrrrgggghhhhh........back to square one.......aaaahhhhh......i have so many accounts i can't keep up with them, you would not even believe the post-its that are everywhere now, and i'm thoroughly confused....ok deep breath..........so i have to get a photo from gp to the place on my phone that holds pics.....just remembered it's called a camera roll....anyway....back to youtube to figure out how to do that........finally get a picture sent to camera roll and wah lah....i have a new profile picture on instagram!!!!! .......piece of cake.......right.......ha ha.... my son, the computer wiz, could have done this whole process in less than 5 min.....and then called me home for dinner ........ ........have a super groovy new years eve everyone, and be safe out there!!!!! good morning you groovy campers!!! another fabulous day! so lets talk about the big SD......yep that's right ...self discipline .....i realize that even though i tend to be a more "go with the flow" kind of person....or i'd like to believe i am...i am living in my own little crazy universe here....but, i really, and i mean really, could benefit from some self discipline....alot of you are saying...."really???, you??? who knew?" or it's more like " duh"...... so believe it or not, i grew up with parents who expected me to achieve something.....be productive every day.....i'm not sure they really knew who they were dealing with.....i'm guessing their intentions were said out loud....numerous times..........or maybe it wasn't said out loud at all......maybe it was a feeling that..... what??!..... i can read minds???!!!....or maybe it was it was just expressed daily in a lovely nagging way.... speaking of reading minds....some years back, a group of us went to baltimore's inner harbor.....groovy place, great aquarium,....anyway we went to hard rock cafe for dinner.....now this place was crammed with people, very loud....we were seated at this big round table.....we were looking at the menu when someone started talking in my left ear.....like they were right...well not right they were in the left ear...but i mean it was right there...i've just confused myself........ anyway, they were in my left ear talking...remember it was really loud in there....well not in my ear, but maybe i guess you could say that cause you are hearing it...squirrel......moving on.........i turned around to find out what they wanted and why they were so close..................and there was no one there.......freaky.......am i losing my mind? don't answer......so i turned back around to the table and it happened again, ...no one there...and again..no one there....and again....you get the picture.......so i ask everyone at my table are they hearing this too?...of course no one has heard anything and they are thinking i am crazy......well then i notice the people at the next table talking and i hear what the lady at the table is saying, it's like i'm reading her lips but hearing her too...very weird...........and i say out loud to my group "i can hear her talking"....the lady at the other table turns to see who is talking to her like i was doing..........i'm saying to the lady "i can hear you talking" and she keeps turning around.....which of course is now making me laugh.........i say to her " over here, look across to the table in front of you, it's me"...i'm waving at her...."i'm the one you hear, just like i can hear you".....well she didn't think it was such a fantastic thing and kind of poo-pooed me, but she kept talking to her friends only trying to hide her face......and i would say "i can still hear you"...ya know in that sing songy kinda way.........she did not appreciate that, they quickly left.....i loved it!!!..well not the fact that she got a little bent out of shape, but it was like hearing what someone was thinking, very freaky........and very groovy!!!..............eventually a couple was seated at that same table and when the guy was asking his date what he should order, well i helped him.....it was soooooo funny.........anyway as you guessed, i was seated at the inside of a domed ceiling and the other person that i could hear was at the opposite side, on the inside of the domed ceiling.....oh my gosh i could have stayed there all night, it was hillarious!!!! but back to matters at hand...yes, self discipline will make me more productive, and yes if i put my mind to it...ya know my mind reading mind!!!! .....i hopefully will get more stuff done....(my mom will so be thrilled that her nagging really did work)....i hopefully will be able to figure this whole business side of art out .....and hopefully before someone is waving at me across the room saying "i can hear what you are saying" and there's no dome ceiling........be groovy yall good morning you groovy campers......so i missed a couple weeks...had some stuff going on...like my 9th grandbaby was born!!! what???!!! i know...grands are the best!!! spoil them rotten and then leave...ha ha....but while being there for the birth, i also got to catch up with a fabulous author friend from high school...nita sweeney... i made another link!!! anyway...she wrote the book "depression hates a moving target"....very good read!....she also has this great blog...bum glue...good stuff!.........well, we used to listen to pink floyd and drink green milk back in the day...didn't everybody?....but anyway, as we were talking about school i found out that nita had gone through some stuff that i had no idea about....and i was her friend!.....but then i had some stuff that went on and hadn't shared with anyone either.....i guess when you are going through stuff you don't share for a multitude of reasons....embarrassment, shame, guilt, foolishness, you're the evil older sister, etc..........it's like we are these actors giving this amazing performance on stage ....but behind the scenes, that's where the real drama unfolds, the stuff you don't see, the stuff not everyone shares.......
ya know i once told a dear friend of mine the she was deep like the ocean, ( very intense, she got things, ya know really understood stuff)....., but i was just shallow bubbles......ya know floating around on top...drifting with the waves....basically not getting too deep... just enjoying life as it came my way....not really searching for any particular meaning ......just going with the flow.........so when i hear all the stuff that went on in school it kind of blows my mind.....ya know you think you should have seen the signs, but people are real good at keeping behind the scenes stuff behind the scenes...... well.....what nita was getting at was that everyone has a story..ha ha could be because she's an author....ya know everything's a story...anyway......some might be more upsetting than others, some might be inspiring, (nita has a very inspiring life story!), but everyone has a story...or in some cases a novel...maybe a set of encyclopedias......or in my case a picture book.......i just love picture books...ya know the ones with the big colourful pictures....they just never get old.....squirrel....but back to old times.... so a perfect example of behind the scenes stuff is that nita said she remembered me riding her horse....yeah she owned a horse, something that's been on my christmas and birthday list forever....mom..............anyway, so i rode her horse bareback, yeah bareback...... and nita thought i was so brave to do that...and she probably thought "what an idiot....bareback???!!!"...but i don't read minds so i will float along........ she said she was always so nervous about riding her horse ...who knew....well she did.....but i thought she was this fantastic english rider who could jump her horse over these jumps and she really was a good rider!....for myself, i had no idea what i was doing...just a bubbling through the waves (i think there's a song to that)...... but i figured it can't be that hard to ride a horse, over jumps, bareback........so behind the scenes, yeah i had some bruises....alot of bruises....and i didn't have a clue what i was doing, but i got to ride a horse!!!.........................she also told me that the fence was an electric fence, which i promptly grabbed a hold of......yeah.......it was in one ear and out the other before my brain said "DON'T DO IT" (sound effects) as my hand was grabbing ahold.......note to anyone who's around an electric fence....don't touch it, it does zap you, trust me....and not in a good way.....wait, is there a good way to get zapped?...static electricity?....nooooo....static electricity is my nemesis....arrrggghh....ok so don't get zapped, not fun but basically, we all go through things that maybe we don't share or are not at a point where we are ready to share, and you can get in trouble in kindergarten for not sharing, i always had to share, i was the middle child...the evil older sister took my things and the bratty baby brother was given my things.....did i tell you i never got a horse?.....anyway... but when we do finally share with someone, we realize that, that (i wonder how many consecutive that's you can put in a sentence before people go what is that, that, that, that, that....ha ha).....anyway....that, that is what made us who we are......and God doesn't make mistakes...He's got a weird sense of humour sometimes, but no mistakes.....all those experiences, all those good times and not so good times, gave us........... us...................be groovy! howdy do groovy campers.....yes i'm back again, and with a case of 2am possum brain!......you say "why bobbi, i've never heard of 2am possum brain.....what is this disorder you speak of?"........well, let me tell you.......so our dog decided that 2:00 am was a good time to corner a possum on our screen porch......non stop barking is what woke me up.....she's a great pyrenees....don't know if anyone is familiar with the breed, they are quite the show stopper...they're very large with long fluffy white fur....beautiful dogs, but definitely not a labrador....ya know the fabulous people pleasing dogs........she's more of a " i'm gonna do my thing whether or not you like it and you can call me a billion times but until i choose to listen i'm gonna keep on doing my thing".....sweet dog, great with kids, love her to pieces, sheds alot....an awful lot....maybe 30 to 40 dogs worth over the year, could be more than that......but not exactly a do what i tell you to do kind of dog.....could be our lack of sufficient or competent training ...ya know after awhile i get tired chasing that ball, or i have great thigh muscles from showing her how to sit, or trying to get the big white fluffy blob off our bed who just moves her eyes and not her body as if she lays real still i won't see her, or the numerous times i try the "come" command just to watch her look at me with those eyes again as if to say "you know i'm a great pyrenees, right?", or me trying to get her to get up off the floor to go outside and all i end up doing is cleaning my floor with a big white fuffy blob that just lays back as i drag her toward the door.........i saw a picture once of the different commands you can do with a pyrenees...ya know... sit, stay, come, fetch, lay down, etc....they all showed the same dog doing the same thing...standing there.....that should have been my first clue
anyway....so the barking continued, because kada (our dog) listens soooo well.....so gary is trying to sweep the possum off the porch from inside the house....tricky to do....while i'm trying to to make sure the possum doesn't run in our house.... kada is still barking at a very mad possum....the possum trying to get away from the broom and kada, it has now overturned the kitty litter which is all over the screen porch along with...well you know....hank the beagle...did you know that beagles love to eat and i mean love, really gross things.....dead animals are a fav along with the buffet from a kitty litter pan....so hank is having a fine time on the porch, not even concerned with the chaos going on....then mac shows up (next door neighbors dog), cause he woke up his owners to let him out cause kada is barking and something is obviously wrong and he needs to investigate...(we have a gate that stays open between the yards cause kada and mac are best friends)..our cat is just watching the chaos with this smug smile that cats have...... as you can imagine...our neighbors just love us....so after finally corralling all dogs in the house and sending mac home, we leave the possum and cat in peace on the screen porch that has become a huge kitty litter box so my 2 am possum brain is not functioning as it should....of course how should a 2 am possum brain function?....anyway, as i try to do anything today it just all falls apart.....then my bg (business guru) calls me to check in on my progress......yeah....nothing.....but she does get me to make a google business page....she's got alot of patience that one......haven't done much else with it, but hopefully i can clear my head and check it out more....honestly i can't even tell you how to get to it...but it is called bobbi's murals...not sure if that's how you look it up....but that's about the extent of it right now.....ha ha, by the way, i just pulled up that google business app, and it's not even bobbi's murals....its bobbi"s murals.....i gotta fix that, but not real sure how....i will figure it out though!!!...i'll definitely have more to tell next week!!...as long as there's no more possums....be groovy! |
bobbi plentovichim bobbi from bobbis murals...muralist, artist, creative mess. writing a blog about the journey of a muralist/ artist and her quest for a place in the confetti coloured art world Archives
April 2021
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